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The Upper Gates

Wagner Street 


In researching the history of the gates to the cemetery, we found the following reference about the upper gate in the recorded minutes.


On March 7, 1919 Mr. W C Rapp brought before the cemetery meeting an offer for a new entrance gate at Wagner Street as a memorial from Mrs. William C. Lipe of Syracuse, NY.  The President was authorized to accept the offer of Mrs. Lipe to erect a beautiful memorial gateway and to express the gratitude for her interest in the institution.


At the June 27th 1919 meeting the following resolution was adopted:


"Whereas:  Mrs. Wm. C. Lipe, of Syracuse, NY, has erected a magnificent gate at the Wagner Street entrance to the Fort Plain Cemetery; and in memory of the Lipe and Sponable families, has presented this gate to the Fort Plain Cemetery Association;

Therefore, Be It Resolved; That this Board of Directors, on behalf of the Fort Plain Cemetery Association, accept this gift, and express to Mrs. Lipe its gratitude and appreciation of her thoughtfulness and generosity in presenting this beautiful; memorial..."


From this record, we can estimate that both the upper and lower gates are approximately   100 years old.

In 2017 with a grant from the Adam & Nellie Horn Foundation, the gates were renovated. Due to age, neglect, road salt and lack of funding, the latches, hinges and pivot supports were replaced. They were then sandblasted clean and painted.

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