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     The Fort Plain Cemetery Association is a 503 (c)(3) non-profit corporation. All cemeteries in New York State are governed by a set of strict rules and regulations.

     By law, ten percent of lot sales and $ 35 per burial must be placed in a Permanent Maintenance Fund.  Only the interest from this fund can be used for the general operation of the cemetery. This was done to insure that funds would be available after all the available grave lots were sold. The balance of the lot sales and unrestricted gifts are placed into the General Fund. This fund is used for the daily operations. People and estates have left financial gifts for flowers or maintenance of specific graves.  This money is placed in special Restricted Funds account.

     We have received grants from the Yerdon Foundation plus the Adam & Nellie Horn Foundation for specific capital improvements. 

     If you would like to consider making a donation to the cemetery, we can suggest a restricted or unrestricted financial contribution. You may also want to consider donating a tree or shrub or bench.  You will notice many tipped over monuments in the cemetery. It is nearly impossible to find any living family members to correct the damage and it is expensive to have these stones restored.  We would like to start a special fund with the expressed purpose to restore these tipped over monuments.

     To make a donation, please contact the Secretary Violet Capece at 

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